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Vote YES on F for a fully staffed SFPD

Proposition F is the police full staffing and deferred retirement Charter Amendment that will enhance oversight of recruiting and civilianization; incentivize veteran officers to postpone their retirements; focus on neighborhood safety; and accelerate efforts to fully staff SFPD.

Prop F will fully staff SFPD and enhance public safety.

San Francisco isn’t unique among major cities competing to solve a once-in-a generation police understaffing crisis nationwide. But in a City as economically invested in being safe and welcoming to commuters, tourists, conventions and our own residents, San Francisco simply can’t afford an understaffed police department.

Yes on F will:

    Incentivize experienced officers to postpone their retirements for up to five years
    Emphasize deployments to neighborhood patrols and investigations
    Minimize costly overtime, while improving oversight of police recruiting
    Expand efforts to recruit more women officers and increase civilianization
    Fulfill the promise of 21st century police reform

San Francisco’s
Police Department
is severely

SFPD is short more than 500 full-duty officers of the 2,074 needed to adequately protect San Francisco.

Even more alarming: nearly 450 more officers will become eligible for full retirement by 2030.

Since 2019 SFPD has been unable to recruit more officers than it’s losing — mostly due to retirements.

Without bold action, the pace of attrition could leave SFPD short-staffed by more than 40 percent within five years.

Graph showing disparity between SFPD and national PD Standards
Pie chart showing that SF needs 508 more officers




Matt Dorsey



Rafael Mandelman


Board President

Aaron Peskin



Myrna Melgar

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Connie Chan



Ahsha Safaí



Joel Engardio

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Catherine Stefani

Prop F is a consensus plan to achieve full police staffing.

Co-authored by Supervisor Matt Dorsey, Board President Aaron Peskin and Supervisor
Catherine Stefani, Prop F is co-sponsored by a Board supermajority — including Supervisors
Myrna Melgar, Rafael Mandelman, Ahsha Safaí, Connie Chan and Joel Engardio.

San Francisco

Chronic police understaffing endangers public safety.


It delays 911 response times, enabling low-level lawlessness, public disorder and criminalenterprises like open-air drug markets and retail theft that overwhelm our public services.


It forces taxpayers to spend heavily on police overtime — nearly 20 percent of SFPD’s salarybudget! — to pay fewer officers more money to meet our most basic public safety needs.


It overburdens our emergency response, risking burnout and taking a needless toll on thephysical and mental well-being of all our City’s first responders.

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